BERKEEY COUNTY, S.C.–Coach Tony Smith of Stratford High School, was named the 2014-2015 Assistant Coach of the Year by the South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association (SCACA). Smith is the only coach of any sport in South Carolina to receive this honor.
”It’s really a great honor; a lot of other people are deserving of it too. The kids and athletic administration here at Stratford, are awesome and you can’t ask for better,” said Coach Smith.
Smith coaches Stratford’s Junior Varsity girls’ softball team and has served as a wrestling and football coach at the school. He is the High School NCAA Compliance Director for Berkeley County, serving seven high schools. Smith holds a master’s degree with an additional 30 hours of coursework in counseling from South Carolina State University and an undergraduate degree in Education from Newberry College. He is certified in high school counseling, physical education and driver education.
“Tony Smith’s name is synonymous with strength, integrity and with the title Coach. He exudes confidence and professionalism in all he does, both on and off the field. He is a coach who is dedicated to helping our students and players reach their greatest potential,” said Heather Taylor, Principal of Stratford High School.
Smith has coached at Stratford High since 1985. He was Coach Ray Stackley’s Offensive Line Coach for 29 years and has coached in South Carolina for 34 years. He served as an assistant coach in the 2009 North/South All Star Game and in 2012 in the North Carolina/South Carolina Shrine Bowl.
“Tony is a tireless worker whose loyalty to our program is unparalleled! He is a demanding technician on the field who cares about his athletes and requires them to commit to being their best. We certainly would not have had the success we’ve experienced over the years without him. He epitomizes what we want and expect from an assistant coach,” said former Stratford High School Athletic Director and Head Football Coach, Ray Stackley.
Coach Smith will be honored at the All-State Awards banquet on Sunday, July 26, 2015, at the TD Convention Center in Greenville. The banquet will occur in conjunction with the South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association’s All Sports Clinic.
SCACA is a not-for-profit agency that provides membership benefits to South Carolina coaches. The organization’s mission is to promote, protect and teach the student athletes of South Carolina through effective leadership and the professional development of coaches.
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