
BCSD unanimously votes to continue paying legal fees for indicted communications director

BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C.–The Berkeley County School District started its most recent school board meeting rather differently by going into executive session to discuss the legal fees associated with Amy Kovach.

Pictured Right: Amy Kovach
Pictured Right: Amy Kovach

Kovach, the district’s communications director, was indicted in February for her involvement in the district’s “Yes 4 Schools” campaign. According to a spokesperson for the South Carolina Attorney General, she is accused of abusing public funds in order to influence the outcome of an election during the district’s campaign.

Kovach is currently out of jail on a PR bond and maintains her innocence. Local reports have indicated that the school district has spent over $80,000 in Kovach’s legal fees.

When board members came out of executive session, Doug Cooper, who represents district II, addressed the audience.

Cooper stated that after seeking legal advice from former judge, Victor Rawl, he advised the board that South Carolina law states that if any school district employee is prosecuted for any act committed in good faith during the course of their employment, it is then the duty of the school district to defend their actions.

Cooper says the district has independent, outside council to determine if the indictment impacted the district’s legal obligation to continue providing her with representation

“We have now received clear, independent opinions confirming that we do, indeed, have such an obligation.  Therefore, based on these opinions I move that this board to continue providing legal representation to Kovach,” said Cooper.

Cooper made a motion to continue Kovach’s legal representation, and the board unanimously agreed.

To watch video from the meeting, click here.

Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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