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DHEC coastal photography contest accepting entries

photographerPhotographers of all ages and degrees of expertise are invited to ready their cameras and tripods to enter their best photographs of coastal South Carolina scenes in the annual photography contest sponsored by the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control.

“The winning photo will appear on DHEC’s 2015 annual tide table poster,” said Director of Environmental Affairs Elizabeth Dieck. “We’re looking for coastal South Carolina scenes including marshes, beaches or wildlife – something that would be appropriate and eye-catching as an image for the tide table.”

Color photographs and digital photos are accepted with a limit of five pictures per contestant. Digital photos should not exceed a total combined file size of four megabytes. Printed photographs should not exceed 8.5″ x 11″. Horizontal orientation is required. All entries must be submitted between September 15 and October 15, 2014.

Entries can be e-mailed to or submitted via surface mail to: Coastal Photo Contest S.C. DHEC 1362 McMillan Avenue, Suite 400 Charleston, SC 29405.

Surface-mailed submissions will not be returned without a self-addressed stamped envelope provided by the contestant. The winner will be announced in November. For questions about the contest, contact Sarah Latshaw, Coastal Projects Manager, at or 843-953-9237.

Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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