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Alligator takes a midnight stroll on a Goose Creek road


BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C.—Sure, there are lots of alligators in many of the lakes, ponds and rivers here in Berkeley County.

However, it’s not every day you see an alligator walking down a busy road, but for one concerned citizen it was definitely a sight to see.

Not only did he spot the gator, he also unleashed his inner “Crocodile Dundee” and approached the 4-foot creature on Raritan Road and taped its mouth shut to keep it from harming any animals or people in the area.

He then called the Berkeley Co. Sheriff’s Office for assistance.

Once the officers arrived, they took the gator into “custody” and released it on the freshwater side of Busy Park Road.

According to one of the deputies, the alligator was a little wiggly, but they were able to control it.



Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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One Comment

  1. As much rain as we had yesterday he had every right to be taking a stroll. I wonder how long it took deputies to respond to this “incident” since they’re so short-handed these days and nothing is a priority unless it involves a gun.