The towns of Iva, Newberry and Mount Pleasant were named Grand Winners for the 2014 South Carolina Traffic Safe Communities by the AAA Carolinas Foundation for Traffic Safety in a ceremony on Nov. 12, 2014, at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel in Columbia.
The three towns are part of 15 localities that have been recognized for efforts made in traffic safety over the past year during the eleventh-annual Traffic Safe Communities awards luncheon.
Winners were chosen for communities under 10,000 in population, those with 10,000 to 30,000 residents, and towns and cities with more than 30,000 in population.
“The AAA Carolinas Foundation for Traffic Safety strives to educate the public on traffic safety issues and positively influence driver behavior,” said Tiffany Wright president of AAA Carolinas Foundation for Traffic Safety. The communities we are honoring in South Carolina prove through education, enforcement and strong legislation, we can continue to save lives.”
The AAA Carolinas Foundation for Traffic Safety provides awards to recognize those cities that make a strong effort to make our state’s roads safer.
Newberry highlighted the awards becoming an eight-time Grand Winner in the 10,000 to 30,000 category. North Augusta and Beaufort were recognized for the first time as Outstanding Traffic Safe Communities.
Phil Riley, Director of the South Carolina Office of Highway Safety and Justice Programs, and Kevin Shwedo, Executive Director of the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles congratulated and honored local law enforcement and community representatives.
More about the Grand Winners:
- Town of Mount Pleasant, Charleston County (Population greater than 30,000) Mount Pleasant has been recognized as a Traffic Safe Community ten out of eleven years. It was the Grand Winner in 2004, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013. This year Mount Pleasant’s Traffic Unit recognized an increase in 55 and older driver at fault collisions and to help combat the problem started a monthly driving forum with Mount Pleasant’s Senior Center. Mount Pleasant also operates under the TIPs program to prevent bars from over-serving alcohol.
- Town of Newberry, Newberry County (Population between 10,000 and 30,000) Newberry has received a Traffic Safe Community award every year, earning the Grand Winner 2005-2008, 2010, 2012 and 2013. The Newberry Police Department continued its safe proms program for all four high schools in the county. Newberry focuses on DUI and seat belt enforcement with campaigns throughout the year.
- Town of Iva, Anderson County (Population less than 10,000) Iva claimed the top honor for the second straight year. Along with its commitment to “Target Zero” and “Sober or Slammer” campaigns, Iva conducts random safety check points and participates in community events to educate the public on traffic safety. The Iva Police Department spreads safety messages in their community by utilizing School Resource Officers to motivate students in traffic safety.
The foundation recognized 12 other communities with Outstanding Traffic Safe Community awards for leadership in traffic safety including: (*repeat winners)
Population greater than 30,000:
- Summerville* (Dorchester County)
- Charleston* (Charleston County)
- Goose Creek* (Berkeley County)
- Spartanburg* (Spartanburg County)
Population between 10,000 and 30,000:
- Port Royal* (Beaufort County)
- Hanahan* (Berkeley County)
- North Augusta (Aiken County)
- Beaufort (Beaufort County)
Population less than 10,000:
- North* (Orangeburg County)
- York* (York County)
- Ridgeville* (Dorchester County)
- Edisto Beach (Colleton County)
AAA Traffic Safe Communities are selected by looking at crash statistics, number of law enforcement officers per capita, and presence of a formal traffic safety program and/or existence of a special traffic division. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte provided the statistical analysis and the AAA Carolinas Foundation for Traffic Safety chose winners in each category placing extra emphasis to those communities that are proactive in enhancing traffic safety efforts.
The AAA Carolinas Foundation for Traffic Safety is a non-profit organization founded by AAA Carolinas in 1999 that works to promote traffic safety initiatives in North and South Carolina. For more information, go to
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