
16 Candidates File To Run For Berkeley Co. Sheriff

sheriff logoBERKELEY COUNTY, S.C.–Today marks the last day for candidates to file the paperwork to run for Berkeley County sheriff.

Along with the application, candidates must pay the $3,990 filing fee.

So far, 16 candidates have decided to toss their hats into the ring, each vying for the position of sheriff.

Anthony Smalls is the sole Democratic candidate running during the special election. The remaining 14 candidates are running on the Republican ticket.


As of 4:00 p.m., these are the list of candidates officially running for sheriff:

According to Berkeley Co. Election Commission Director Adam Hammons, a 16th candidate, Derrick Burbage, has filed as a petition candidate. This  means his name won’t appear on the primary or runoff ballots.

Instead, he would be required to get signatures of at least five percent of Berkeley County’s registered voters for his name to appear on the June 9th ballot.

The Primary Election will be on Tuesday, April 21, 2015. If needed, Primary Runoffs will be on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. The Special Election (General) will be on Tuesday, June 9, 2015.

To keep updated with the list of candidates who file, visit this link here.

On February 18th, Governor Nikki Haley named former Berkeley County Chief Deputy Sheriff C. W. “Butch” Henerey as the new Sheriff of Berkeley County.

Henerey will serve as sheriff until the June special election is held.

His appointment came after longtime sheriff Wayne DeWitt resigned in early February. A few days later, a grand jury indicted him on charges of driving under the influence, leaving the scene of an accident and failing to stop for a blue light on December 28th, 2014.

DeWitt had served as the county’s sheriff since 1995.




Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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