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Crime Victims Foundation Collects Collects 23 Bags Of Trash Along Highway 52

Bradley Blake Foundation
Bradley Blake Foundation

ST. STEPHEN, S.C.–One local organization in Berkeley County is doing its part to keep Berkeley Co. roads clean and free from trash.

Recently, members of the Bradley Blake Foundation walked along Highway 52 in St. Stephen, picking up trash littered along the roadway.

When they were finished, they had collected 23 bags of trash and three bags of recycled products.

Sylvia Blake started the Bradley Blake Foundation in honor of her son who was tragically murdered several years ago.

Two days after Christmas, 21-year-old Bradley had been shot to death in his own car in Pineville after visiting with his girlfriend on Willowood Road.

Pictured: Bradley Blake
Pictured: Bradley Blake

Not long after his untimely passing, Blake’s mother started the organization in an effort to fight crime and help make the community a safer place to live in.

Foundation volunteers also take part in community activities throughout the year.

“Bradley was a giving person. So we are trying to give back the way Bradley would give,” stated Sylvia.

On June 22, 2013, Bradley’s family adopted several highways in his memory. Four times a year, they get together to pick up trash along Greentown Road in Alvin, Mendel Rivers Road in St. Stephen, and Highway 52, starting at Good Sheppard R.E. Church, in the Forty-One section of St. Stephen.

To learn more about the foundation, click here.

Prior Story:

Berkeley Co. mom on a mission to stop the violence after son murdered



Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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