
Former Hanahan Police Chief Announces Write-In Candidacy For Berkeley Co. Sheriff

Pictured: Former Hanahan Police Chief Melvin Bellew addresses the media Tuesday outside the Berkeley Co. Courthouse
Pictured: Former Hanahan Police Chief Melvin Bellew addresses the media Tuesday outside the Berkeley Co. Courthouse

BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C.—The Berkeley County Sheriff’s race has gotten a little more interesting.

On Tuesday and surrounded by family, Melvin Bellew officially announced in front of the Berkeley Co. courthouse his plans to run as a write-in candidate for sheriff in the upcoming general election in June.

“I think I have better qualifications than the two that are actually running,” stated Bellew. “I’ve been with the police department. I’ve been a manager with a security company. I’ve managed over 150 people. The career that I’ve chosen and have followed throughout my life—I don’t think they can touch it.”

Bellew spent 15 years as the police chief for Hanahan. Prior to that, he spent a little more than a decade with the Charleston Police Department. According to Bellew, who calls Goose Creek home, he’s running because he’s not happy with the choices voters currently have.

“When only nine percent of this county’s voters turn out to replace the sheriff, I believe most residents are not excited about their choice of candidates. Therefore, I am entering the race to give voters a chance to change things in law enforcement in this county,” stated Bellew.

As it currently stands, voters will choose between Republican candidate Duane Lewis, the deputy chief of law enforcement at Santee Cooper, and Democratic candidate Anthony Smalls, a sergeant at the Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office.

“For probably about 40 years I have witnessed some of the politics, political control and actions of the sheriff’s department. Me, I’m willing to represent all the people—democrat, republican, it doesn’t matter,” stated Bellew. “I don’t believe law enforcement should be in politics, but unfortunately it has been. I don’t want to see it continue on. I think that’s what voters are going to get if that’s the way they vote.”

Traditionally, write-in candidates have not had a lot of success at the polls. However, Bellew remains optimistic about winning the election.

“I know I’m the underdog, but that’s how Strom Thurmond actually first got elected to the U.S. Senate,” explained Bellew.

Bellew announced his candidacy with a little less than a month away until the general election.

“I was waiting and hoping that they would have a candidate that could actually be able to run it and had the experience and qualifications, and I just don’t see it,” stated Bellew. “I probably figured it would have been Mr. Isgett or possibly Brian Adams.”

Since neither of those are an option on the upcoming ballot, Bellew says that’s where he comes in.

“I know a lot of people throughout Berkeley County because I grew up here. I want to get the message out that I’m willing to meet with any group, any organization or do any kind of debate that they want to go for,” stated Bellew. “Just to get my name out there, I’m going to be working hard at it.”

The general election for Berkeley County sheriff will take place on June 9th.

Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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  1. Nancy Ricciardelli Corbin

    What was his connection to Paul Mazzel, Dixie Mafia Kingpin? Yes it was a long time ago but many of us still remember Mr. Bellew’s uncle-in-law and the crime ring in Hanahan. Everyone knew who gave the orders, so if Mr. Bellew was such a good cop why did he not know?…/05/26/met_373661.shtml…

    • Tamara Lawrence

      Paul Mazzell was WRONGFULLY convicted of murder and spent more than twenty years in prison for it. Mr. Bellew — who did eventually marry Mazzell’s niece — saw the flaws in that trial and spent a lot of time fighting to get that ruling overturned, in spite of the backlash he received from certain people in positions of power. In no way was Bellew affiliated with the criminal aspect of Mazzell; he was, however, willing to buck the flawed system that framed someone for murder.

      Would you risk your job because your integrity meant more to you? MC Bellew did.

  2. Tamara Lawrence

    Mr. Bellew is of no blood relation to the late Paul Mazzell, who was WRONGFULLY convicted of murder and spend more than twenty years in prison for it. Mr. Bellew — who did eventually marry Mazzell’s niece — saw the flaws in that trial and spent a lot of time fighting to get that ruling overturned, in spite of the backlash he received from certain people in positions of power. In no way was Bellew affiliated with the criminal aspect of Mazzell; he was, however, willing to buck the flawed system that framed someone for murder.

    Would you risk your job because your integrity meant more to you? MC Bellew did.

  3. Nancy Ricciardelli Corbin

    Tamara, just about everyone that lived in Hanahan back then knew who and what Paul Mazzel was and that Danny Hogg worked and took direction from him. Not the kind of person I would risk my job over. And I would take Charley Condon’s word that the right guy was in jail.

    • Tamara Lawrence

      I thoroughlly understand that Paul Mazzell was a criminal in that day, and Hogg right along with him (even if under Mazzell’s direction).

      Luckily, Mr. Bellew has a different set of principles and WAS willing to go out on a limb to right a wrong. It didn’t matter that Mazzell was a criminal — what mattered was that he was a person convicted of the wrong crime (which carried a far harsher punishment than his involvement!), and Mr. Bellew couldn’t stand for it.

  4. Brian P Hudnall

    I just talked to Mr Bellew today and met him for the very first time .I had an interview with him at the security company that he is employed at and I assure you that he would make a very fine sheriff for berkeley county. What you have to understand is that their has been a lot of corruption in Berkeley county and people and the citizens are sick and tired of the good ole boy boy system so today I say please vote for MC BELLEW for berkeley county sherif.