Our hearts go out to the victims of Wednesday’s shooting in Charleston, that took the lives of nine and injured another three people. These individuals were mothers and fathers, grandparents, sisters, brothers, and friends, and we stand with their loved ones in mourning their loss.
We are praying for the victims and their families, for the Emanuel AME church family during the loss of their pastor, clergy, and dedicated members, and also for the city of Charleston. We also stand with others around our state at this crucial point–those who recognize that this hate crime emanates from wounds of racial divisiveness, and also a culture of violence.
It is at this very same juncture, that we also recognize that action is required, in addition to our thoughts and prayers. We encourage our state legislators and Governor Haley to establish a review committee to investigate, consider, and implement measures to examine the backgrounds of gun owners in the hopes of decreasing the
instances of death by gun violence in the state of South Carolina.
This unfortunate incident serves as a reminder of the necessity for such consideration. It is unfortunate, that little after two weeks into the month of June, we were horridly reminded of why everyone in the great state of South Carolina should not have access to guns.
This month, June, serves as the very first annual Gun Violence Awareness Month in the Sate of South Carolina, initiated through the efforts of the Bradley Blake Foundation President Sylvia Blake, Tonya Blake, and Representative Joe Jefferson-D. South Carolina is now one of two states, to recognize gun violence awareness, the other New York, state. Awareness is the first step to encouraging serious dialogue, and ultimately ensuring safety and the protection of the freedoms of the citizens of our great state.
This includes the freedom to gather in a house of worship and not be stricken down by a person with a hateful agenda who should not have had a weapon in his possession. The Bradley Blake Foundation stands in unity with the victims of this horrendous crime and their families, as this individual is being
brought to justice.
The Bradley Blake Foundation promotes non-violence, and aims to connect people through love and peace throughout the State of South Carolina. The foundation was founded in memory of Bradley Blake, a victim of gun violence, after his death on December 27, 2012. To find out more about the Foundation, and to stay connected to our continued efforts, please visit www.bradleyblakefoundation.org.
Sylvia Blake
Sylvia Blake, President
Bradley Blake Foundation
Prior Story:
- Berkeley Co. mom on a mission to stop the violence after son murdered
- After Berkeley Co. Man Murdered, Lawmakers Declare June 2015 “Gun Violence Awareness Month”
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