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Goose Creek Police: Crashes Up By 11 Percent Within City

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GOOSE CREEK, S.C.–According to Goose Creek police, as of June 30th officers have investigated 755 car crashes resulting in 192 injuries and 2 deaths.

They say this is 11 percent more than the 680 crashes officers investigated during the same period last year.

“Let’s reduce collisions by driving the speed limit while maintaining a safe following distance and eliminating unnecessary distractions within the vehicle!” GCPD wrote on their official Facebook page. “It cannot be stressed enough that inattentive driving can be deadly.”

Police also added that there’ve been 12 crashes involving DUI, 4 involving cell phone usage and  7 crashes involving driver’s licensing violations.

Data regarding immigration status is not captured on a collision report, police stated.

Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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