
Berkeley County to Build Job Webpage for 300 Century Employees Let Go

jobsBERKELEY COUNTY, S.C.–Berkeley County Supervisor Bill Peagler announced Monday that Berkeley County will build an online job resource page, following Century Aluminum’s announcement that 300 employees will be let go this week.

“While I am grateful that Century Aluminum and Santee Cooper were able to reach an agreement last week to save hundreds of jobs, I do understand that many folks will be laid off this week, “ said Supervisor Peagler. “My Administration and I are working to help those seeking full-time employment as well as the industries in Berkeley County with job openings by creating a new page on our website listing available jobs.”

According to Peagler, letters are being sent to industries in Berkeley County soliciting information on job openings.

Last week, Santee Cooper officials announced that Century Aluminum Co. accepted a deal regarding power supply to the Mt. Holly plant–but the damage had already been done.

“Our relief at reaching this point is tempered because 300 of our people are being laid off,” said Michael Bless, President and CEO. “Mt. Holly is a family and we are saddened that we were left with no choice but to make this decision. Our employees are responsible for making Mt. Holly the best, most-efficient aluminum smelter in the country and we will expend all efforts to return them to their jobs.

For 2016, the agreement provides enough power to operate Mt. Holly at approximately 50 percent capacity and retain approximately 300 jobs. The contract would have a three-year term and could be terminated at any time by Century on 60-day notice.

Century officials say they intend to work with state legislators to pass legislation in 2016 that would allow Century to access market power for all of its power supply and to operate Mt. Holly at full capacity and employment.

“We thank Senate President Pro Tem Hugh Leatherman, Senators Paul Campbell and Larry Grooms and many of our local legislators for their efforts on behalf of our employees and their families. We would also like to thank Santee Cooper for their cooperation throughout this process,” stated Bless. “We look forward to working with our state and local officials on a long-term solution that will allow the plant to operate at full capacity and bring back the 300 jobs that have been lost.”

The agreement is subject to approval by each organization’s board of directors.


Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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