BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C.–Inside a Berkeley County courtroom Monday, former Berkeley County Sheriff Wayne Dewitt, 64, pleaded guilty Monday to DUI and failure to comply with law enforcement.
A judge sentenced DeWitt to three years probation and 60 hours of community service. He is also required to attend two Alcoholics Anonymous meetings per week.
“I can’t apologize enough,” DeWitt said in court. “My actions have caused embarrassment to my family, friends and citizens of this county.”
In court, DeWitt admitted to having a problem with alcohol and said that for the last 11 months he’s been enrolled in a 12-step program.
A 30-day jail sentence was suspended on each charge. He was originally arrested December 28, 2014, on counts of leaving an accident scene, failure to stop for blue lights and DUI.
According to South Carolina Highway Patrol, DeWitt hit another vehicle, fled the scene and then led officers on a

high speed chase traveling more than 100 miles per hour.
In February 2015, a grand jury indicted DeWitt.
Just a few days before that indictment, the longtime sheriff resigned from office.
“In the end, I know and understand the entire situation is the product of my own failures. As an elected official, as Sheriff and as a person, I recognize that I must be held accountable,” he stated. “I reiterate how sorry I am for my actions and the poor choices I made.”
DeWitt had served as the county’s sheriff since 1995. Berkeley County voters elected its new sheriff, Duane Lewis, on June 9, 2015.
“The bane (subversion) of our civil institutions is found in masonry…” Upon arrest for leaving the scene w/injuries, failure to stop for police at over 100mph, and drunkenly losing control of his vehicle on a Sunday morning, any non-freemason would have been beaten senseless by BCSO, imprisoned w/out bond, and then found hung in his cell…
However, in this state of SC (Southern CORRUPTION), this “good ole boy” and corrupt Scottish rite mason vowed to murder and treason, gets a golden parachute….while he remains responsible for concealing the arson crimes of his “buddy” cubscout trainers, and enforce the property fraud being unleashed upon newcomers with money..to Berkeley County…
Wish I would have found the below plea from another victim of Berkeley County Corrupt Scottish Rite Treasonous pathological liars sportin badges and guns prior to having been relieved of my retirement savings, my 2 paid for homes, and my civil rights by these pathetic inbred wrong turn hillbilly shriners vowed to Allah, god of Mohammed..