
CSU To Offer Criminal Justice Summer Camp For Interested High School Students

crime scene

Charleston Southern University will host the sixth annual CSI@CSU summer camp June 13-17, 2016 on campus. The week-long camp is designed for rising high school students. Students attending CSI@CSU will complete classroom lectures,participate in hands-on crime scene investigation; work in small groups and individually.

The program is taught by Charleston Southern University criminal justice professors, members of the Charleston and North Charleston Police CSI teams, Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester County Sheriff’s Dept., Mount Pleasant, and Summerville Police departments and the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED).

“CSI@CSU is an opportunity for prospective students interested in crime scene investigation as a career to work hand in hand with today’s local crime scene techs,” said CSU professor Alan Fix.

Via Charleston Southern University
Via Charleston Southern University

As part of the program, the instructors will stage a mock crime scene with assistance from camp instructors and CSU criminal justice students.

“Students come in thinking TV and leave with a real-worldunderstanding of what crime scene investigation work really is,”added Fix. “I’m going to get them dirty. Crime scenes aren’t always done on sunny days. Students will see and smell a crime scene.”

For more information, visit or callAlan Fix, assistant professor of criminal justice, at 843-863-7763 or email at


  • Complete the Application and Pay Online
  •  Limited to 40 Participants
  • Registration: $150.00  Charleston Southern University/Science Bldg. Room 12. Campers must arrive on campus of Charleston Southern University between 8:45 and 9each morning

Campers will report to the Science Building Room 125. CSI Campers must be picked up promptly after class is dismissed at 3p.m. Monday through Thursday and by noon on Friday.    For further information:

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