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Coroner: Motorcyclist Killed During Goose Creek Vehicle Collision

According to Berkeley County Coroner Bill Salisbury, the biker was wearing a helmet at the time of the fatal accident.

GOOSE CEEK, S.C.–On Saturday, June 18, at 1:09 p.m., Berkeley County Coroner Bill Salisbury said that Kendall Ramsey, 22, of Goose Creek, was riding his motorcycle on St. James Avenue when he collided with another vehicle.

Salisbury stated that he was transported to a local hospital and pronounced dead at 4:09 p.m.

His death has been ruled accidental.

The accident was investigated by the Berkeley County Coroner’s Office and the Goose Creek Police Dept.

Ramsey was wearing a helmet, Salisbury added.

Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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