
Berkeley County Votes: View The Unofficial Election Results Here

BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C.–Thousands of voters flocked to the polls in records numbers in Berkeley County on Tuesday. In fact, some voters say they waited as long as two hours to cast their vote.

According to election officials, out of the more than 117,000 registered voters in Berkeley County, nearly 60 percent of them went to the polls to vote in the 2016 General Election. That equates to 70,000 voters.

“The percentage will be comparable to 2012 and 2008 but the number of voters served will be higher due to the population increase in Berkeley County over the last several years,” stated Adam Hammons, the director for Berkeley County Elections and Voter Registration.

As of 10:30 p.m., results for 71 of the 78 precincts are in for Berkeley County. Here are highlights from some of the big races:

1.U.S. President

Pictured L to R: Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton (Via Wikimedia Commons)
Pictured L to R: Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton. Trump wins South Carolina. (Via Wikimedia Commons)
President and Vice President (Vote For 1)
71 of 78 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
Hillary Rodham Clinton / Timothy Michael Kaine (DEM)
38.89% 26,087
Darrell Castle / Scott Bradley (CON)
0.29% 197
Evan McMullin / Nathan Johnson (IND)
1.07% 720
Jill Stein / Ajamu Baraka (GRN)
0.70% 470
Donald J Trump / Michael R Pence (REP)
55.82% 37,446
Peter Skewes / Michael Lacy (AMR)
0.15% 103
Gary Johnson / Bill Weld (LIB)
3.07% 2,058

2. U.S. Senate

Pictured: Tim Scott (Presumed Winner)
Pictured: Tim Scott (Presumed Winner)


U.S. Senate (Vote For 1)
71 of 78 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
Thomas Dixon (DEM)
30.73% 20,111
Thomas Dixon (WFM)
1.73% 1,129
Bill Bledsoe (CON)
0.51% 335
Thomas Dixon (GRN)
0.74% 482
Tim Scott (REP)
64.38% 42,130
Rebel Michael Scarborough (AMR)
0.56% 369
Bill Bledsoe (LIB)
1.26% 825
Write-In (NON)
0.09% 60

3. U.S. House of Representatives, District 1

Pictured: Mark Sanford presumed winner
Pictured: Mark Sanford presumed winner
U.S. House of Representatives, District 1 (Vote For 1)
57 of 64 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
Dimitri Cherny (DEM)
30.17% 16,801
Dimitri Cherny (WFM)
2.30% 1,280
Dimitri Cherny (GRN)
0.91% 505
Mark Sanford (REP)
61.85% 34,445
Albert Travison (AMR)
1.07% 594
Michael Grier Jr (LIB)
3.52% 1,959
Write-In (NON)
0.19% 104

4. State Senate, District 37

Pictured: Larry Grooms
Pictured: Larry Grooms


State Senate, District 37 (Vote For 1)
31 of 34 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
Larry Grooms (REP)
98.25% 20,304
Write-In (NON)
1.75% 361

5. State House of Representatives, District 15

Pictured: Samuel Rivers
Pictured: Samuel Rivers
State House of Representatives, District 15 (Vote For 1)
8 of 9 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
K J Kearney (DEM)
36.73% 2,406
Samuel Rivers Jr (REP)
63.01% 4,127
Write-In (NON)
0.26% 17

6. School Board District 1

Pictured: Michael Ramsey
Pictured: Michael Ramsey
School Board District 1 (Vote For 1)
7 of 9 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
Michael Ramsey (NON)
98.99% 3,424
Write-In (NON)
1.01% 35

7. School Board District 3

Pictured: Laura Kelly
Pictured: Laura Kelly
School Board District 3 (Vote For 1)
7 of 8 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
Tim Davis (NON)
42.82% 1,780
Laura Kelly (NON)
56.24% 2,338
Write-In (NON)
0.94% 39

8. School Board District 5

Pictured: Brian Adams
Pictured: Brian Adams
School Board District 5 (Vote For 1)
9 of 11 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
Brian R Adams (NON)
58.60% 2,636
David W Barrow (NON)
40.73% 1,832
Write-In (NON)
0.67% 30

9. School Board District 7

Pictured: Ann Conder
Pictured: Ann Conder
School Board District 9 (Vote For 1)
15 of 15 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
Ann Conder (NON)
69.58% 4,702
Jim Hayes (NON)
29.39% 1,986
Write-In (NON)
1.04% 70

To view all of the results from the Berkeley County races, click here.

Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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