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Berkeley Ducks Unlimited Awarded At State Convention


BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C.–South Carolina Ducks Unlimited (DU) held its annual State Convention and Volunteer Celebration this past weekend in Myrtle Beach, SC. The Awards Banquet recognized leading chapters and volunteers the for their successes during the 2016 calendar year while supporting the organization’s wetlands and waterfowl conservation mission.

To date, there are 56 chapters across our state. Berkeley Ducks Unlimited was one of five chapters awarded a Silver National Chapter Excellence Award for growth in all income, event income, members, and volunteers. Berkeley DU also received a 2016 SCDU State Efficiency Award recognizing the financial management of dollars needed to host a fundraising event compared to dollars raised.

The Berkeley Chapter was represented by Area Chairman and SCDU State Publicity Chair, Sarah Nell Blackwell and the Berkeley Sponsor Chairman and SCDU State Campaign Chair, Robert Blackwell. Sarah Nell and Robert received two of the six South Carolina Ducks Unlimited Leadership Awards. Also in attendance from the Berkeley Chapter were Mr. and Mrs. Duwayne Jacobs who were recognized for completing their Life Sponsor Pledge.

“We’re really proud to be raising dollars for Ducks Unlimited here in South Carolina and we’re fortunate to receive more money from DU than we raise in our state for habitat projects. It’s great to know that every dollar raised, and then some, is coming back home for projects specific to South Carolina” said Area Chairman, Sarah Nell Blackwell. “Our Berkeley Chapter is entering its 39th year with great things in store as we approach 40 years celebrating conservation efforts in Berkeley County.”

DU’s event fundraising system has long been a model for other conservation organizations around the world. Last year alone, Ducks Unlimited’s South Atlantic Field Office was able to leverage philanthropic investment to secure public revenue at a rate of 26:1 to greatly magnify its conservation reach which to date, is surpassing 200,000 acres and $43 million dollars within South Carolina.

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