GOOSE CREEK, S.C.–It’s an election year in the City of Goose Creek. Election Day is Tuesday, April 3, when voters will elect a Mayor and three City Council members.
If you’re interested in running for City Council or Mayor in 2018, here’s what you need to know.
Filing to become a candidate takes place at the Berkeley County Voter Registration Office at 6 Belt Drive in Moncks Corner, and the filing period lasts from 8 a.m. on Jan. 18 until 12 noon on Feb. 2. Candidates are required to file in person, and there is a filing fee ($300 for Mayor, $150 for City Council).
Goose Creek’s City Council and Mayor elections are non-partisan. Winners are determined by an at-large, city-wide vote. If needed, a runoff election would be held on April 17.
The three City Council seats up for election are currently held by City Councilmembers Kimo Esarey, Debra Green-Fletcher and Mayor Pro-Tem Mark Phillips. The current Mayor of Goose Creek is Michael Heitzler. City Council and Mayoral terms are four years.
Voting on April 3 takes place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Goose Creek Municipal Court at the Municipal Center.
For more information on filing to become a candidate, or registering to vote, contact the Berkeley County Voter Registration Office at (843) 719-4056 or visit the Voter Registration office online at www.berkeleycountysc.gov/drupal/voters.
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