
City of Goose Creek Seeks Planning Commission Volunteer

Pictured: Goose Creek City Hall

GOOSE CREEK, S.C.–The City of Goose Creek is seeking to fill a vacancy on its Planning Commission, a volunteer, seven-member board appointed by the Mayor and City Council. Planning Commission members serve three-year terms, and must reside within the city limits of Goose Creek.

Ideally, board members will demonstrate professional expertise, civic interest, general knowledge of the city, independent judgment, interest in planning and zoning, and concern for the welfare of the community. To be considered, individuals must be available to prepare for and attend meetings regularly.

The Planning Commission meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month. Other special meetings and workshops may be required. Meetings are held at Goose Creek City Hall, 519 North Goose Creek Boulevard.

If you are interested in serving as a volunteer on the Planning Commission, please send a cover letter and resumé to Kelly J. Lovette, City Clerk, PO Drawer 1768, Goose Creek, SC 29445; hand deliver your resumé to Ms. Lovette at City Hall; or email it to For more information, call (843) 797-6220, ext. 1113.

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