MONCKS CORNER, S.C.– The Whitesville Fire Department has announced the implementation of a bleed control program.
Through this program, the department’s response capability is increased by equipping their responders with the tools needed to effectively mitigate situations where significant bleeding is present both in cases where there is an individual patient and in the cases of mass casualty incidents.
These specialized trauma kits have been placed on every responding apparatus to ensure maximum efficiency and deployment during an incident.
In collaboration with DHEC, the department has also put several members through a train the trainer “Stop The Bleed” course which is recognized by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma.
Twelve members have since received the Stop the Bleed certification.
“Equipping our responders with the tools and training they need to perform their duties is an essential part of our mission,” stated Fire Chief Tim Stephenson. “It is our job to be prepared for anything, and that starts with the understanding that we might not be immune to the events we see in the news every day.”
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