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Citizen Police Academy Offered By Goose Creek Police Department

Goose Creek citizen police academy
Courtesy: Goose Creek Police Department

GOOSE CREEK, S.C. – If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a Goose Creek police officer, now here’s your chance to find out. The department is currently taking applications for its citizens police academy.

The Goose Creek Police Department will host the program beginning Tuesday, March 24 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The academy will meet each Tuesday for eight consecutive weeks ending May 12.

The citizens police academy will consist of classroom presentations and hands-on experiences designed to educate citizens on the operations and training that the officers undertake in order to become officers with this the city.

For city residents 21 years of age and older, they are encouraged to contact Kevin Scott at 843-863-5200 ext. 2317 or via email at

A background check will be conducted on all applicants and acceptance into the citizens police academy will be on a first-come basis, with seating limited to 25 people.


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