
Berkeley County In Need Of Election Poll Workers

FILE PHOTO (Courtesy: Nikki Gaskins Campbell/The Berkeley Observer)

BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C. – Berkeley County is in need of additional poll workers for the upcoming state primary elections on June 9, 2020.

Poll workers can earn compensation of up to $220 per day, Berkeley County officials said.

If interested, contact Laura Thomas with Berkeley County Voters Registration and Elections Office at 843-719-4663 or send an email to

According to the the State Election Commission (SEC), the agency along with county officials will be taking steps to help make polling places as safe as possible for voters and poll managers, including: providing masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, and disposable cotton swabs for making touchscreen selections. 

“We will also provide online training when possible and small-group, socially-distanced training when necessary,” SEC officials said in an online statement.

Recent changes to election law allow all voters to vote absentee in the June Primaries, the SEC reports. Voters will be encouraged to vote absentee, but in-person absentee voting and voting at polling places will be in place on election day. 

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