BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C. – SC Housing officials announced this week plans to provide approximately $5 million in emergency rental assistance to South Carolinians facing financial hardships as a result of the coronavirus health crisis.
Its COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program will provide emergency housing assistance on behalf of renters affected by shutdowns, closures, layoffs, reduced work hours or unpaid leave.
Eligible households in Berkeley County could receive rental assistance of up to $1,500, with payments made directly to landlords or management companies. Relief will be provided as a one-time lump sum toward eligible tenants’ rent payments.
The program will be administered through SC Thrive, a statewide nonprofit agency already providing services to individuals and families throughout the state.
To be eligible for program assistance, applicants must be South Carolina residents; have a maximum household income at or below 80% of the area median cncome for the county in which they reside; and provide documentation demonstrating how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted their employment or income beginning March 10, 2020 or later.
Income eligibility for Berkeley County and other South Carolina counties can be found at this link.
Qualified applicants may apply at: https://scthrive.org/covid-19-rental-assistance-program/.
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