BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C. – There were no new cases of the coronavirus reported Saturday in Berkeley County, according to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.
However, SCDHEC reported 209 new cases of COVID-19 and 10 additional deaths statewide. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 10,096 and those who have died to 435.
Nine deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Clarendon (1), Greenville (2), Kershaw (1), Lexington (2), Spartanburg (1), Sumter (1), and Williamsburg (1) counties, and one death occurred in a middle-aged individual from Greenville County.
The number of new cases by county are listed below:
Aiken (5), Anderson (1), Beaufort (5), Charleston (9), Cherokee (2), Chester (5), Chesterfield (2), Clarendon (4), Colleton (5), Darlington (2), Dorchester (5), Florence (16), Georgetown (4), Greenville (54), Hampton (2), Horry (6), Jasper (1), Kershaw (1), Laurens (1), Lee (4), Lexington (6), Marion (1), Marlboro (2), Newberry (2), Oconee (4), Orangeburg (4), Pickens (6), Richland (14), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (21), Sumter (2), Williamsburg (5), York (6).
As of May 23, a total of 168,908 total tests have been conducted in the state (by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs). DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory is operating extended hours and is testing specimens seven days a week.
As of Saturday morning, 3,609 inpatient hospital beds are available and 6,560 are in use, which is a 64.51% statewide hospital bed utilization rate. Of the 6,560 inpatient beds currently used, 461 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
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