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Berkeley County Deputies Assisting Charleston Police With Downtown Riots

BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C. – As Charleston police respond to violent protests downtown, surrounding law enforcement agencies are coming to assist them. This includes the Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office.

The response comes after Charleston Police Chief Luther T. Reynolds requested backup from surrounding law enforcement departments following the looting, vandalism and violence taking place in the city.

“We are sending units immediately to assist our neighboring agency during this crisis.” Sheriff Duane Lewis said. “I have deployed several deputy sheriffs to respond to Charleston to assist in keeping the peace.”

Saturday night, Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg issued the following statement in response to the riots:

“The murder of George Floyd has rightly caused outrage here and across the country. And while we as Charlestonians strongly support all of the good men and women who are peacefully and lawfully protesting that terrible crime, we cannot and will not condone acts of violence and vandalism in our city. Tonight, our police will work to contain the relatively small number of bad actors who are doing this damage. And tomorrow morning, Charlestonians of every race and station will come together to reject all forms of violence and injustice, and to affirm once again that ours is a city united in peace.”

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Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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