BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C. – Berkeley County joined state and community leaders Friday to break ground on the Clements Ferry Road Phase 2 widening project.
This project will add two lanes to Clements Ferry Road, for approximately 4.5 miles, from Jack Primus Road to SC Highway 41 near the Wando River. The improvements also include a multi-use path and a raised planted median.
“This project will improve the quality of life for thousands in the Lowcountry. It will mean a safer trip to school. It will provide safe recreation and pedestrian opportunities. It will improve congestion along the corridor. This project as well as other high-capacity road projects are a priority for the County. Today’s groundbreaking is just one more step toward fulfilling major infrastructure needs in Berkeley County. The Clements Ferry Road projects are a true testament to the importance of the County’s One-Cent Sales Tax Program and its ability to fund much-needed infrastructure improvements,” said Johnny Cribb, Berkeley County Supervisor
Phase 2 will pick-up at the end of the Clements Ferry Road Phase 1 widening project which expanded Clements Ferry Road from I-526 to Jack Primus Road, approximately four miles. Phase 1 was completed in August 2019.
The much-anticipated project will be managed by Berkeley County and is designed to increase the quality of life of Berkeley County residents by decreasing congestion and increasing safety along the corridor. Berkeley County Council awarded the project contract to Banks Construction Company in November 2020.
“We are ready to see this project get off the ground. It has been a competitive and thorough process to get to this point and I look forward to seeing great work from our capable project team,” said Berkeley County Councilman Josh Whitley.
While residents may not see roadway and bridge construction until the middle of 2021, important preliminary construction work will begin next week. This includes clearing and grubbing, drainage improvements, and utility relocations. Construction is expected to be complete by November 2024.
This project is primarily funded by the 2014 Berkeley County One-Cent Sales Tax Program with additional federal funds. It is expected to cost $64 million, including right-of-way acquisition, permitting, construction and more.
Additionally, the next large project to go out to construction will be the U.S. 176 Phase 1 widening from U.S. 17A to Nexton Parkway. Right-of-way acquisition has been completed and final plan approvals and environmental permitting are scheduled for completion in the next few weeks. Additionally, complex utility relocation efforts are being coordinated and being done in a manner to minimize any customer disruption during construction of the roadway and drainage improvements. The County anticipates advertising this critical infrastructure project for construction bids at the first of the year.
Spine Road C is expected to be complete in early 2021, according to county officials. Spine Road C will provide another access route into Cane Bay and will be named Nexton Parkway Extension from the intersection of the recently completed Nexton Parkway intersection with U.S. 176.
For construction updates, visit www.BuildingBerkeley.com.
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