HANAHAN, S.C. – The Railroad Avenue extension project in Hanahan is inching closer to reality. The South Carolina Department of Transportation, CSX, the Army Corps of Engineers and the City of Hanahan have been working together since 2001 to find a solution to improve the road.
According to the South Carolina Department of Transportation, the project was awarded on Jan. 7, 2021. Actual construction has yet to begin; however, that could soon be changing.
“A Notice to Proceed date will be issued by SCDOT to the contractor in mid-February with a preconstruction meeting occurring shortly before,” Pete Poore, SCDOT Director of Communications, told The Berkeley Observer.
While the SCDOT has not yet received the contractor’s proposed schedule, Poore said the agency anticipates preliminary construction activities to start sometime in March.
The purpose of extending Railroad Avenue from its existing intersection with Mabeline Road to Eagle Landing Boulevard is to provide a connection between north and south Hanahan without having to enter Rivers Avenue and cross the CSX railroad twice, SCDOT officials said.
The proposed new roadway will be constructed along the eastern side of the existing CSX’s rail line.
According to the SCDOT, it will significantly improve access to nearby neighborhoods and schools in the area by providing a more direct link. The project will also provide a safer and more efficient route to Hanahan Elementary School and serve to enhance community cohesion on the eastern side of the CSX railway right of way.
In addition, the project will also increase safety as traffic, including school buses, will not have to cross the CSX rail tracks via use of Mabeline Road and Eagle Landing Boulevard from Rivers Avenue, SCDOT officials said.
The project is estimated to cost around $14 million. To pay for the project, about $4 million will come from federal funding and about $10 million in funding will come from a Berkeley County sales tax.
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