BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C. – Fetter Health Care Network recently announced it will be hosting additional COVID-19 vaccination clinics in Berkeley County on Feb. 9 and Feb. 11 according to the latest distribution phase updates.
Vaccinations will be administered on a first-come, first-serve basis and no appointment is required.
They will also be distributed in accordance with current SC DHEC guidelines, now including persons age 65 or older, health care workers, parents of medically fragile or disabled children, long-term care facility residents and staff and critical essential workers (defined by DHEC guidelines).
“We are thankful to continue hosting our mobile COVID-19 vaccination clinics in partnership with our generous community members,” said Aretha R. Powers (Jones), CEO of Fetter. “We are honored to partner with SC DHEC and other local partners to serve the Lowcountry and push back against the coronavirus. Our team truly has shown what it means to be a community health center through their service over past year and we will continue doing our part in caring for our friends and neighbors in our surrounding communities.”
Fetter’s COVID-19 vaccination clinics will be hosted according to the schedule below:
Tues., Feb. 9 | 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. | Alvin Community Center | 2191 Santee River Rd. Saint Stephen, SC |
Thurs., Feb. 11 | 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. | Day Dawn Baptist Church | 2057 Hwy. 45 Pineville, SC |
COVID-19 vaccines will be administered on a first-come, first-serve basis at the clinic site. Vaccinations will only be provided to persons who meet the distribution criteria, as designated by SC DHEC.
Persons who qualify to receive the vaccine should arrive at the clinic and will be asked to complete on-site registration. Those arriving for vaccination should bring their insurance cards and verification in order to complete registration:
· Personal photo identification verifying age
· Health care worker (employee badge, picture of professional license, personalized letter from employer)
· Parent of medically fragile or disabled child (signed attestation form from provider of child)
For additional information on Fetter’s COVID-19 vaccination clinics, visit FetterCovid19Screening.org/vaccine-clinic and on social media channels. For more information on Fetter’s health care services and locations, visit FetterHealthCare.org.
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