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Woman Killed In Goose Creek Shooting ID’d, Suspect Still On The Run


GOOSE CREEK, S.C. – The Berkeley County Coroner’s Office has identified the woman killed in a shooting Wednesday afternoon in Goose Creek. She is Jessica Ancrum, 35, of North Charleston.

Berkeley County Sheriff Duane Lewis said that Ancrum’s boyfriend, 36-year-old Aubrey Tucker, fatally shot her in front of his parents during an argument at his home on Back River Road.

After the shooting, deputies said Tucker fled the area on foot. The sheriff’s office as well as surrounding law enforcement agencies continue to search for him. Lewis said he is considered armed and dangerous.

Before taking his girlfriend’s life, Lewis said Tucker was currently out on bond for another deadly shooting that happened outside of a North Charleston bar last year. Court records show he is facing murder charges in connection with that case.

Despite the seriousness of the charge and his prior record, a judge allowed him to post bond and be released from jail under the condition he’d remain under house arrest, wear a court-issued GPS monitor and have no contact with the victims or their family.

According to Live 5 News, Tucker removed his GPS monitor after the shooting in Goose Creek. It was found in the North Charleston area around 6:30 p.m. Wednesday.


Man Wanted After Fatally Shooting Girlfriend In Goose Creek: Berkeley County Sheriff

Charleston County court records show that a motion to revoke bond in the fatal bar shooting from 2020 was requested Thursday, June 10. Bond revocation is common when a person, such as Tucker, is out on bail for one crime but then commits another.

Sheriff Lewis said he’s not happy that Tucker, a repeat, violent offender, was allowed back into the community considering his criminal record.

“It’s very frustrating, you know, the detectives are working around the clock to try and solve these cases,” Lewis told the TV station. “It takes a lot of work and time, and we are trying to get the families of the victims, you know, some kind of peace about these things.”

Tucker’s rap sheet is lengthy. Court records show charges for him go back as far as 2002. His very first charge was for the possession of cocaine, in which he pled guilty on a lesser charge. A year later he was charged with violating his probation.

Throughout the years, in addition to murder, his other charges have included unlawful possession of a weapon, assault and battery with intent to kill as well as possession of a stolen vehicle, according to court records.

Anyone who knows Tucker’s whereabouts should dial 911 immediately.

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Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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