HANAHAN, S.C. – When kindness was shown to a Hanahan couple who fell on difficult times, they decided to return the favor with a good deed.
In March, Candy and Michael Stalteri’s neighbor reached out to Chief Dennis Turner and Lieutenant Cassie Brooks to let them know that the couple had been sick and unable to put their furniture together.
Chief Turner and Lieutenant Brooks went to the couple’s house and put some of their porch furniture together.
“Mr. and Mrs. Stalteri were so grateful that they nominated Chief Dennis Turner and Lieutenant Cassie Brooks for Mr. Roger’s award, which they received,” the Hanahan Police Department said on its official Facebook page.
According to the police department, the Stalteris didn’t stop there. They ordered 50 teddy bears for the police department to give out to children who’ve experienced tragedy. The teddy bears’ shirt reads, “Somebody in Hanahan, SC loves you.”
“All too often, our police officers come across children that have just witnessed something a child should never have to witness and these bears will help us ease these children in those situations, along with building a trusting relationship with that child,” the police department said. “We would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Stalteri for being wonderful citizens and giving back to their community.”
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