
Political Newcomer Wants To Be Moncks Corner’s Next Mayor

CREDIT: Thomas Hamilton for Mayor of Moncks Corner

MONCKS CORNER, S.C. – In less than a month, Berkeley County voters will head to the polls in several municipal elections.

In Moncks Corner, residents will vote for commissioner of public works, town council and mayor.


Since 2015, Michael Lockliear has served as the town’s mayor. However, this election year, he faces competition from political newcomer, Thomas Hamilton, 58. Although the Navy veteran has never served in an elected role before, Hamilton believes he is the best person on the ballot to lead Moncks Corner into the future.

As mayor, Hamilton says some of his priorities will include preserving the Biggins Biking/Hiking trail, revitalizing Lacey Park, addressing first responders’ pay concerns and advocating for smarter growth.

To allow voters to get to know him better, Hamilton recently took part in a Q&A by The Berkeley Observer.

CREDIT: Thomas Hamilton for Mayor of Moncks Corner

1. How long have you lived in Moncks Corner?

I have lived in the town for two years; however, I have lived just outside of the town limits for 30 years.

2. What is your educational and professional background?

I am a graduate of Apollo High School in Owensboro, Kentucky, and I immediately enlisted in the U.S. Navy where I underwent extensive training in mechanics, firefighting and damage control. Over the past 34 years, I have worked in various skilled labor positions, and I am currently working as a metrology specialist. I perform calibrations across our plant. Additionally, I’ve accumulated numerous hours of team-building courses which would be invaluable in a role such as mayor.

3. Are you active in your community? If so, please elaborate.

 Yes, I am actively engaged in my community. I regularly clean up trash along West Main Street, serve as a member and past Commander of the American Legion Post 126, attend various town events and make an effort to support our local small businesses. Additionally, I enjoy playing tennis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with a local group of enthusiasts.

CREDIT: Thomas Hamilton for Mayor of Moncks Corner

4. Have you ever run for political office before?

No, I haven’t run for political office before and it was never something I had considered until now.

5. Can you describe how you think Moncks Corner has changed over the years – for better or worse?

Moncks Corner has experienced both positive and negative changes over the years. On the positive side, developments like the Miracle Field and the Rec Complex have brought value to the town. However, there is concern that the towns rapid growth, including annexations and large-scale developments may be outpacing the infrastructure like roads and schools. Some citizens oppose this pace of growth and there is a worry that Moncks Corner is aiming to become the next Summerville with all of their congestion.

CREDIT: Thomas Hamilton for Mayor of Moncks Corner

6. What has prompted you to run for office?

I’ve decided to run for office because I’m concerned about transparency and fiscal responsibility in our local government. I’ve noticed the mayor’s salary has seen a significant increase over the last four years, over 208%. In 2022, the mayor received a 61% the same year that the town raised taxes on the citizens and small businesses by 15%. As a part-time mayor, he makes as much as some of our full-time employees which does not seem equitable. Additionally, the fact that he has a job with the Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office while receiving a town-supplied SUV while some of our workers need to work a second job is an issue that needs attention and resolution. We have to do better for our town employees.

7. Why should residents vote for you?

  1. I’m committed to looking out for their best interests.
  2. I will prioritize transparency in government, ensuring they have access to information.
  3. I’ll make my phone number available on the town’s website and be responsive to their needs, connecting them with the right resources and providing feedback.
  4. I will advocate redirecting the most recent mayor’s salary increase to go toward our least paid employees.
  5. I’ll donate my entire mayoral salary increase to the ‘Nominate your Neighbor’ program, ensuring every penny benefits our community. I pledge this for all four years.
  6. I am dedicated to improving our town’s amenities for things like splash pads and pickleball courts, among other items. I aim to do this with grant money so that we do not raise taxes like the current mayor has done. We need to give people a reason to do things in our town that will benefit our small businesses.
  7. I recognize the need for a traffic light at the main entrance at Foxbank. This is a serious safety hazard that I will address day one.
  8. I’m ready to work tirelessly every day to accomplish these goals and enhance the quality of life for our community.
CREDIT: Thomas Hamilton for Mayor of Moncks Corner

8. Can you describe your family?

My wife is Carolyn Huggins Hamilton, who was born and raised in Santee Circle. She’s been a dedicated small business owner in Moncks Corner for over 25 years, where she owns Hands on Therapy and passionately serves her clients. Carolyn has achieved the honor of being voted Berkeley County Massage Therapist of the Year multiple times.

Our family includes her son, Richie, who has a daughter named Cecilia (CeCi), age 10. I have two sons; Alex my oldest has a son William (Billy) who is 8 years old. My youngest son, Dallas who is engaged ( Leanne ) so we are excited about the prospect of new grandchildren in the future. We really do try to enjoy as much family time as possible.

9. Do you have a website/Facebook page you’d like to include?

 I have a website

Facebook: Thomas Hamilton for Mayor of Moncks Corner

10. Anything else worth mentioning?

When I grew up we did not have it easy and I have worked since I was young. I used to push around an old Montgomery Wards lawnmower and mow yards for $5.00.

I had a newspaper route that I would have to ride my bicycle in all kinds of weather to deliver.

I had an aunt who had a farm and she would pay me to work in the fields.

I was one who hunted soda bottles to cash them in for candy money.

When I was in high school I got up at 3 a.m. to deliver bulk newspapers and deliver them to the paper boys with my Grandfather.

I have always worked hard for everything that I have ever gotten in life and I will work just as hard to help the people of Moncks Corner if they vote for me as mayor.

My decision to run for mayor is rooted in my belief that our voices are not being heard, when citizens show up against developments that harm their neighborhoods they need to be heard.

I am in this to win so I would really appreciate your vote on November 7.

Editor’s Note: The Berkeley Observer does not endorse political candidates. However, we believe that readers have the right to know who the candidates are prior to an election. Any political candidates who would like to be highlighted in future news articles, please feel free to email The Berkeley Observer at

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