
Groundbreaking Held For New Nexton Middle School

CREDIT: Berkeley County School District

BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C. – A middle school is coming to the Nexton community in Summerville in August 2026. Berkeley County officials broke ground on the new school Tuesday.

This school will be located at the corner of Midtown Avenue and Nexton Parkway in Nexton’s newest neighborhood, Midtown. It will have the capacity to accommodate up to 900 students when it opens.

According to Nexton officials, an agreement between the community and the Berkeley County School District conveys more than 26 acres in Midtown.

Nexton Middle School Groundbreaking

“The plan to build a K-8 school, as opposed to a traditional elementary or middle school, is based largely on the ability to expeditiously and efficiently add capacity at both the elementary and middle school levels,”  per Katie Tanner, public information officer for BCSD, has previously said. “Additionally, a K-8 model provides the district with more flexibility for conversion into a stand-alone elementary or middle school, if needed in the future as growth in the area is expected to continue.” 

As part of the agreement, Nexton has agreed to voluntary School Improvement fees of $1,850 per unit for all future development.

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