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Deputies: Crook steals van from Macedonia church

MACEDONIA, S.C.—Deputies and church members of Victory Baptist Church are left scratching their heads,

Pictured: Victory Baptist Church on Mail Route Road, just of off Highway 17A
Pictured: Victory Baptist Church on Mail Route Road, just ofF of Highway 17A

trying to figure out who stole the church’s van. One church member says the theft happened before the church even had a chance to put the church’s name on it.

According to an incident report, a church employee notified deputies Tuesday shortly before 9 a.m. that the church’s 2006 silver Ford Econoline was nowhere in sight.

The employee told officers that she last saw the vehicle at the church just two days prior to it missing.

She reportedly told officers that the van was kept beneath a carport behind the church.

Deputies entered the vehicle into NCIC, a national database which allows law enforcement to search criminal record history information, fugitives, stolen properties, missing persons, etc.

If you have any information on this case, you’re asked to contact the Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office at 843- 719-4465843- 719-4465.

Victory Baptist isn’t the only church in the Macedonia community to become a target for thieves recently. About a mile from Victory Baptist, Macedonia Christian Church was also targeted about two weeks ago. The pastor there contacted the sheriff’s office after someone, he says, walked into the church and ripped off the large, flat screen television from the church’s recreation room.

Prior Story:

Pastor tells deputies thief stole large TV from Macedonia church

Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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One Comment

  1. It is so sad that people are now stealing from churches. I wish they would find these thugs.