HANAHAN, S.C. – The Hanahan Police Department was recently awarded several grants from the South Carolina Department of Public Safety Office of Highway Safety and Justice Programs.
“We are happy to report that they have been awarded three grants thus far, saving Hanahan’s taxpayers a total of $203,817,” city officials announced via social media.
The police department received a coronavirus emergency supplemental funding grant in the amount of $78,416. It was used to replace the police department’s records management system to a more modern platform. The grant also provided cradle points for police cars, which allow all officers to submit reports remotely.
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It also received a grant in the amount of $113,625 for the state’s school resource officer program. The money awarded helps fund an officer at Bowen’s Corner Elementary School in Hanahan. A police vehicle was also included.
Hanhan police also received a body armor assistance grant in the amount of $11,776, which will reimburse the department for body armor purchased between July 1, 2022 and De. 31, 2023.
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