Severe storm brought torrential downpours to Kentucky overnight from Thursday to Friday, Apr. 3, causing flash-flooding in Louisville.
Author: The Berkeley Observer
VIDEO: We Asked Guys To Draw What They Think Menstrual Cramps Feel Like
It’s like a machine gun shooting you from the inside with pain bullets.
VIDEO: Flor de Toloache, New York’s All-Female Mariachi Band
New York’s all-female mariachi band Flor de Toloache began as a trio in 2008. Now nine members, the group plays a range of musical styles along with mariachi and releases its debut album April 4. Photo/Video: Jennifer Weiss
VIDEO: Stop accusing Apple CEO Tim Cook of gay-rights ‘hypocrisy’
Apple CEO Tim Cook recently condemned the religious freedom laws taking root in the U.S. in a Post op-ed. Now, he is being slammed by some as a hypocrite for speaking out on gay rights at home and remaining mute abroad. But the validity of that criticism only goes so far, says The Post’s Jonathan Capehart.
VIDEO: Mixing politics and religion will come back to bite the GOP
The country’s demographics are changing and younger voters support LGBT equality.
VIDEO: Baseball, basketball and beer: What a week ahead!
Two major sporting events and an happy anniversary for beer drinkers will be in focus next week.
VIDEO: 21 Surprising Things To Mix Into Deviled Eggs
Do you love deviled eggs? So do we! Add these delicious ingredients to your recipe and enjoy deviled eggs like you never had them before.
VIDEO: Late-night laughs: Religious freedom law edition
Backlash against Indiana’s religious freedom law grew this week, with opponents arguing it legalizes discrimination against gays and lesbians. Late-night hosts David Letterman, Conan O’Brien and Seth Meyers joined the fray with a few jabs of their own.
VIDEO: Ricky Whittle’s First Day Back on Set
The 100 star Ricky Whittle has been training hardcore for his physical role in the hit CW show. Ricky’s intense workouts have prepared him for his first day on set where he tweeted that he ran all day in the river with a torn hamstring. He was covered in sweat and dirt, but still dazzled with a smile on his […]
VIDEO: Common, John Legend, Dwayne Johnson, and Jimmy Fallon Lip Sync for Their Lives
Thursday’s series premiere of “Lip Sync Battle” on Spike, hosted by LL Cool J and Chrissy Teigan, saw Dwayne Johnson pitted against Jimmy Fallon, and Common versus John Legend to see who the best lip syncing showman was.
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