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Find your unclaimed cash at the state fair

South Carolinians have more than $425 million in unclaimed money, and State Treasurer Curtis Loftis wants it returned to its rightful owners. That’s why the Palmetto Payback staff will provide free searches for fairgoers today from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m in the Rosewoods Building at the South Carolina State Fair. “There are more than a million accounts waiting to […]


Cainhoy Elementary School STEM program receives $47,500

HUGER, S.C.–Nucor Steel, the Daniel Island Community Fund and Reverend Love honored Cainhoy Elementary School recenty with a check for $47,500 to enhance their extended learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math. School administrators and staff joined with their community and business partners to celebrate all of their student accomplishments at the Cainhoy Elementary/Middle School in Huger, SC. The […]


Goose city leaders pass the first property tax increase in decades

GOOSE CREEK, S.C.—During Tuesday night’s city council meeting, Goose Creek leaders passed the first property tax increase in 34 years. The last time voters saw a tax hike was in 1980. The measure passed in a 5-0 vote last night. Council members Kimo Esarey and John McCants were both absent. According to Mayor Michael Heitzler, the money generated from the […]


Mark Sanford discusses the Ebola crisis causing panic across the globe

United States Congressman Mark Sanford recently appeared on The Bryan Crabtree Show to talk about the Ebola crisis that’s caused fear in people all over the world. Sanford recently attended a Congressional hearing put on by the United States Department of Homeland Security to discuss the Ebola epidemic. “I walked away with, frankly, as many questions as I did answers […]

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SC Dept. of Revenue cracks down on fraudulent tax returns, urges taxpayers to choose tax preparers carefully

According to the S.C. Dept. of Revenue, multiple South Carolina residents were arrested today on various charges including Tax Evasion, Forgery, and Assisting in the Preparation of a Fraudulent or False Return. The arrests are part of the SC Department of Revenue’s efforts to crack down on tax preparers who illegally benefit by filing fraudulent tax returns on behalf of […]

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Candlelight vigil to be held for victims of domestic violence

GOOSE CREEK, S.C.—Every nine seconds a woman is assaulted or beaten in the United States, according to the latest statistics. According to the Violence Policy Center in Washington, South Carolina ranks number one in the country for domestic violence. The state’s rate of women murdered by men of 2.54 per 100,000 was more than double the national average. To bring […]


Hanahan mayor remains unopposed in upcoming general election

HANAHAN, S.C.—Longtime Hanahan mayor Minnie Blackwell is running unopposed in the upcoming November 4th General Election. Her name will be the only one on the ballot for mayor. Write-in candidates, however, will be allowed. After the upcoming election, Blackwell’s term will expire in November 2018. Blackwell was first elected to city council in 1995 before being elected as mayor in […]


Hibbett Sports prepares to open in Moncks Corner

MONCKS CORNER, S.C.—Hibbett Sports is preparing to open its doors for business in Berkeley County. Workers have been busy renovating the old Blockbuster located at 111 S Highway 52 in Moncks Corner for several weeks now. The longtime video retailer shut down for good in late January of this year. About five months after closing, Hibbett Sports made plans into […]

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Firefighters extinguish flames at Cainhoy mobile home, Clements Ferry reopens

CAINHOY, S.C.–On Monday afternoon, the Cainhoy Fire Department responded to 422 Greenann Court off of Clements Ferry Road for a reported structure fire. According to Chief Steve Goodwin, firefighters were dispatched at 3:16 p.m. and arrived on scene with the first engine minutes later at 3:19pm. Upon arrival, crews say they found heavy smoke showing from a mobile home. Neighbors […]